Convert a data.frame to a CSV-formatted character string
The `df_to_csv` function takes a data.frame as input and returns a character string representing the content of the original data.frame formatted as a CSV file. The resulting CSV-formatted string can be written to a file or further processed as needed.
A character string representing the data values in the input data.frame formatted as a CSV file.
# Create a data.frame
example_data <- data.frame(
Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Carol"),
Age = c(30, 25, 28),
Height = c(168, 175, 162),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Convert the data.frame to a CSV-formatted character string
csv_string <- df_to_csv(example_data)
#> "Name","Age","Height"
#> "Alice",30,168
#> "Bob",25,175
#> "Carol",28,162