Convert references in plain text to BibTeX format
This function takes a character string or a file path to plain text references and converts them into BibTeX format. The function reads the input text, processes it, and returns a character string containing the references in BibTeX format. If a file path is provided, the function also writes the BibTeX entries to a .bib file in the same directory.
- references
A character string or a file path to a file containing the plain text references to convert.
- ...
Additional arguments to pass to the chat_completion() function.
A character string containing the references in BibTeX format or, if a file path is provided, the function writes the BibTeX entries to a .bib file in the same directory and returns the file path of the newly created .bib file.
See also
https://ctan.org/pkg/bibtex for more information on BibTeX format