Extract blocks of a specified type from a list of blocks
Extract blocks of a specified type from a list of blocks
if (FALSE) {
# Example 1: Extract 'code' blocks
blocks <- list(
list(type = "text", content = "Hello world!"),
list(type = "code", content = "print('Hello world!')")
extract_blocks(blocks, "code")
# Output:
# [[1]]
# $type
# [1] "code"
# $content
# [1] "print('Hello world!')"
# Example 2: Extract 'text' blocks
blocks <- list(
list(type = "text", content = "Hello world!"),
list(type = "code", content = "print('Hello world!')")
extract_blocks(blocks, "text")
# Output:
# [[1]]
# $type
# [1] "text"
# $content
# [1] "Hello world!"